About Kabbalah
The Kabbalah is the Jewish mystical tradition. The Kabbalistic wisdom, which is the oldest and most influential wisdom in the history of mankind, was given to the People of Israel along with all the other parts of the Torah at Mt. Sinai, in the year 2448 from world creation (1321 B.C.E.). As its Hebrew name implies, "kabbalah" means "receiving", and for thousands of years, the wisdom and secrets of Kabbalah were handed down orally from one generation to the next, yet remained virtually unknown and unapproachable to the general population. With the exception of a small and elite group of Jewish mystics and Sages that received the wisdom of the Kabbalah, very few even knew of its existence.
Thanks to developments in the field of Kabbalah that began to emerge several hundred years ago, and led by the greatest Kabbalists, we are now able to enjoy the secrets and wisdom of the Kabbalah in unprecedented proportions.
Kabbalah investigates and explains the codes of both the universe and the soul of man. It meticulously describes the events that are unfolding in spiritual worlds and heavenly spheres, the world of the Zodiac and of the angels, and how such processes affect and influence us.
Such is the way and method of the Kabbalah: Every sphere with which it deals takes on a fascinating spiritual dimension, as it navigates toward the abstract and mysterious enchantment of the upper worlds. The study of Kabbalah develops a high level of self-awareness. A person who studies Kabbalah will learn how to recognize the powers of his soul, and the intellectual and emotional attributes interacting within it. These traits are then channeled towards a process of meaningful personal growth and harmonious development, and as a result, material and spiritual achievements are greatly improved. Kabbalah teaches how to add spiritual and cosmic meaning to every aspect of daily life, turning every daily routine into an inspiring experience.
Studying Kabbalah
Kabbalistic tradition teaches us that Adam, the first human being, was also the first person to study Kabbalah, as well as compiling the book "Raziel the Angel". The book is a compendium of the Kabbalistic secrets Adam learnt after he was banished from the Garden of Eden.
The tradition teaches that in every generation there were special individuals who studied Kabbalah and its secrets, including Hanoch, Noah, Abraham and other righteous people.
Though it has exhisted since the dawn of creation, it was forbidden to reveal the Kabbalah to the masses. Even the 'Zohar', written in the second century, C.E., was hidden, remaining totally unknown until it was rediscovered by the Spanish Kabbalist, Rabbi Moshe De Leon at the end of the 13th century.
Because of the restrictions on the study of Kabbalah, only very selected individuals were allowed to delve into its mysteries. These individuals were defined as married men over the age of 40 who had already mastered all aspects of the Oral Torah, and who were capable of intellectual understanding of abstract spiritual concepts, were of 'high soul' and more. Such a person was allowed to ask a Kabbalah teacher to take him into the world of mystical wisdom and secrets, and even then, acceptance was not guaranteed.
The Kabbalists teach that it was a divine plan – to keep Kabbalah hidden, until a certain time. That time, is known as the beginning of the 6th Millennium from the Creation, which took place some 800 years ago. The prohibition regarding learning and spreading Kabbalah in the past, was also based on the sages' concern that lofty and highly spiritual Kabbalistic concepts might be misunderstood and misinterpreted, and might lead to undesirable consequences, like the conceptual anthropomorphism of G-d, distortion of ideas, and even crises of faith.
The New Era
With the rediscovery of the Zohar by Rabbi Moshe De Leon, a new era began for the study of Kabbalah. As the Zohar and other Kabbalistic writings became known and available, more and more people began delving into serious study of Kabbalah. According to kabbalistic tradition, has this new age started some 800 years ago, as preparations begun for the 7th millennium. Described by the greatest prophets and Kabbalists as being the Sabbathical Millenium, coming after Messianic Era, this is a period in which superior consciousness will be available to all, and will encompass all of reality.
These preparations are characterized by the revelation of the inner teachings of Kabbalah, which in turn prepares the human consciousness for the unprecedented great divine revelations. This is accomplished by understanding the codes of both the universe and the human soul, according to the teachings of Kabbalah. After the 16th Century, when the Holy Ari revealed the depths of Lurianic Kabbalah, and asked that its wisdom be disseminated throughout the world, many people heeded his call, and the study of Kabbalah became more widespread throughout the world.
Finally, the birth of The Chassidic Movement that promoted the spread of Jewish mysticism, as well as the increased involvement in Kabbalah by many famous spiritual leaders and scholars, has resulted in the popular study of Kabbalah in almost every corner of the world.
So today the question is no longer can one study Kabbalah, but rather how and where. The answer is clear: The best place to study Kabbalah in its original and most authentic form, and on the highest level possible, is in its natural and historical home……..Tzfat!
If you can't make it to Tzfat tomorrow – don't worry!! The Tzfat Kabbalah Center is now offering a wide variety of courses and classes online, where you can delve into the most authentic teachings and study straight from the source. It would be out great joy to help you learn authentic Kabbalah in a spiritually, intellectually stimulating, and meaningful way.